Tuesday, September 1, 2009

4 weeks after surgery seen cardiologist today!

Annabella is doing so well she is not in anymore pain.. Well unless she sneezes or got the hiccups. :( But other then that she is pain free.. Back to the HAPPY baby girl that she is. Today she went to the cardiologist appt and he said everything looked good that he will see us in a month unless something is wrong that we think we need seen sooner. He said that on oct 6th when that appt is we will set a date for late oct first of nov. for her second surgery. Until then our job is to keep her HEALTHY!!!! So please if you are going to come aroung her wash your hands, dont smoke before or while around her. If you are sick please wait until a few days after you are better to come by her. :) And our other job before her next surgery is to get her to GAIN WEIGHT!!!! which we have had a little problems doing lately, but she is getting there. Well keep those prayers going... THANK YOU!