Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Follow up with the cardiologist 2 weeks after surgery

Today we went to the cardiologist and all went well. She got her last stitch out. He is adding alittle formula to the breast milk cause she is losing weight ... She is 23 and a quarter inch long and 9 lbs 11 oz. Other then the weight she is doing good... WHAT A TROOPER!!!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Home doing well. In some pain

Bella is home and doing good. she is starting to really eat better so i dont think we ll need the nose tube anymore . :) she been sweating alot and seems to be fussy cause of pain but still smileing all the time.. SO DARN CUTE!!!! I love her so much.....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

scare this morning.... BYE BYE ANN ARBOR / HELLO WAUSEON she nursed and got tubes and ivs out today

So it looks like we are going to be coming home tomorrow :) She is off all her ivs, tubes ,etc. She has a feeding tube in the nose that she will be coming home with for a few days.. I wish we could bring this monitor home with us hehe, It tells her oxygen and heart rate at all times. She nursed today once and did really good so hopefully she keeps it up and we can get that nose tube out. This morning some may have seen the facebook asking for prayers cause they thought she'd have to go back in to surgery. They did a echo this morning and saw that she is getting to much flow to her lungs. So they were going to open her back up and close some of that off. But after our surgerion talked to our cardiologist they decided that she would be ok till her next surgery and they figured that would happen in Oct. So just because we are coming home tomorrow. Now this dont mean you can stop praying :) cause the next one will be here before we know it. The shunt should last till she is 6-8 months old so that means jan or feb but they have to do it before the winter months cause they dont want to take chances of her getting sick. Well Wauseon we will hopefully see you all tomorrow! :) :) :) Oh yea did I tell you All I HELD HER ALL DAY AND NIGHT HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

OHhhhhh bitter sweet

So I can hold my baby girl now whenever I want but I m scared of hurting her so I have held her min. Untill she gets the chest tube out cause I m affraid it hurts when I move her. Soooo it sounds like tomorrow that will come out (fingers crossed). I feel bad cause today I ve held her for a little bit a couple times but when I m not holding her she just lays there with her eyes just wide open staring at nothing but as happy as can be. She needs a little crib toy to stare at hopefully grandma comes up tomorrow and will bring it for her. And if she gets that chest tube out tomorrow I will be able to hold her all day and night long YAY:) ohhh and I cant believe the smiles she is giving I got one tough cookie... I mean for only being 6 days after surgery only 2 days off ventilator she is smiling like crazy and is happy as can be. She is a strong baby... I LOVE THIS KID!!!!!!!!!!

She Smiled at me this morning

I have noticed that Bella is getting back to her old Happy self again. Just laying there staring with no care in the world. She smiled at me this morning. She is back on the binky and holding her blanket up to her face... Looks around and all she can do is smile when you talk to her. I missed that face :) Today we are going to try to give her a feeding by bottle instead of nose tube. I ll let you know how that goes later. They are leaving the chest tube in for another day or two cause she keeps getting fluid around the lungs that is draining.

Please say a prayer for a family that had there baby pass last night here. I know I can't thank you all enough for all the prayers you all have given for Bella.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Bella had the hiccups tonight it is so sad to see her in that pain:( Everytime she look at me like mommy help me, do something. And I cant do anything for her. Usually I give her a little water and it helps but she is not taking bottles yet only through a tube in her nose. I feel awful, I just wish I could take her place. I was looking at her and I just wanted to tell her mommy will never let you go through this again. And I couldnt cause I know she has to do it at least two more times... Ohhh I hope she dont hate me by the end of all this...... I feel use less if you are a mother just think of it if your baby is going through all that pain and you couldnt help, IT SUCKSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! ;( ;( I love you Annabella !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to hold her and out of ICU!!!

Well let's see, since the last time I posted a lot has happened. She is off all her drips except her lipids. She is still getting fed from a tube in her nose, but that should change later today or tomorrow. The chest tube in her side is coming out possibly tomorrow morning. Right now she is crying because daddy woke her up with his whiskers!! Her heartbeat is 160, respiratory rate is 52, blood pressure is 82/37, and her blood oxygen is 86. I'm rubbing her forehead and talking to her trying to settle her down and get her back to sleep. I finally got to hold her today. It was bitter-sweet because I couldn't help but think that her remaining chest tube was hurting her from me holding her. I can't wait until I can hold her with nothing connected. "Twinkle, twinkle little star" is definitely her favorite song. I'm singing it to her right now and she is settling down. I love my little girl sooo much! Parker and I are truly blessed to have her and to be able to love on her. I love my little princess!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Annabella is off the ventilator . She has alot of weezing noises going on that could lead to ammonia if not takin care of right away so they have been doing treatments and stuff to help that... She is awake alot but in ALOT of pain .. Thanks for all the prayers love to all!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

just a update

Annabella is doing good they took one of the two chest tubes out today. They did one sprint (which is a trial period of a hr to see if she will breath on her own.) and she PASSED!! The are talking about in the morning taking her of the ventilator. So look tomorrow for a post on when she is finally off. I am dying to hold my baby girl this is so hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 days after surgery

Today she has opened her eyes and I got to see those beautiful eyes of hers :) Not allowed to touch her much cause she is in pain when she is awake. And since they are weening her from the meds she will wake up alot easier. They are talking about taking the chest tube out of the middle chest, this is the tube that was put in the day of surgery. They are feeding her a little at a time through the nose tube. They are talking that they are going to get the ventilator out tomorrow morning.. :) :) :) They took the dressing of the incision on her chest. Be more updates shortly ! thanks all

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chest tube is in

The chest tube has been in for about half the day today, there is still fluid around the lungs but it is helping. She also got some blood today. And has been eating about a table spoon through the nose tube every hr. She looks bloated in the tummy area and around the eyes. Her heart rate had been normal all day, yesterday it was high.

I just cant wait for her to get off the vent and for the day she can be back in my arms :( but I know this is all to make her better so....... Its just not fair that any of those babies in there have to go through all this .. So when you say a prayer for Bella say a little prayer for all those all 30 some babies and families going through all this. Thanks guys love to all

Two days after surgery

This morning is two days after surgery Annabella is still on the ventilator. She is breathing some on her own. They took chest xrays this morning and she has fluid around her lungs so they are going to put a chest tube in today to help drain the fluid that is making her lungs collapse. They also have to give her about a oz and half of blood because her blood cell count is low. They are going to try to feed her a little through a tube through a nose tube. Keep the prayers coming please

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day after surgery

Today she is doing good! They gave her some med to try to help control the blood pressure. She was getting to much blood to the lungs . But she is stable and doing good. They moved her bed to a diff icu room where a nurse can take care of her and another baby. They said if she was with a nurse that had two babies to take care of that she is well stabled or they would only let a nurse have her and no other babies. So that is good. Even though the nurse that did have her was GREAT , so hopefully this nurse is just as good. They said that today will not be very eventful they plan to let her rest and leave the ventilator on till tomorrow and then they hope to try to slowly take her off of it...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Update for after surgery

She went in for surgery at 6:15 prep and then in the op room at about 730. At about 11:15ish the Dr. came out and said that all had gone very good. She is stable and is doing well. On the vent. but they are hoping to get her off the vent. tonight or tomorrow. She will be icu for a couple days and then in a general room 7-14 days depending on how she is doin. Please keep the prayers going for bella to have a good recovery. Thank you all for your support . Thanks to all who came up to be here during surgery. And thank you all for your prayers. love to ALL!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Night before surgery mixed emotion

Right now I am holding my little girl... As I look at her I feel scared to death and helpless I feel as Im letting my little girl down everytime that I let them poke at her or when they do something that makes her cry and look at me like Mommy help. Or when she wants me to pick her up and I cant . I just want to pick her up and hold her close and run away and hide from all that pain she has to go through. Just wish that I could take her place, cause I would in a HEART beat.. But I cant, all I can do is ask God to guide the doctors to make my little baby girl healthy. We get up in about 5 hrs to take her to the hospital. I know you are all getting annoyed at me for asking but again please say your prayers! Thanks and I'll keep u all updated tomorrow... I know all is going to be ok EVERYTHING happens for a reason God dont give you more then you can handle..... love to all

Today at Ann Arbor hospital for Pre Op

Right now we are waiting for the cardiologist to come meet with us.. Grandpa stiriz is holding bella and she is not crying lol GO PAPA!!!! (shhhh dont tell him she is drugged up from her test hehe) We have had some test done and have to meet the cardiologist and anestcia team and have some labs done. Then get to go enjoy another day with her at the hotel.. remember to say a prayer for Annabella please. she will be coming to the hospital bright and early for her first open heart surgery. surgery starts at 7:30 and last about 4 hrs.. Thank you all for the support ....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Annabella's Story Need 1 million or MORE prayers by wednesday!

Annabella (a.k.a Bella) was born may 31st 2009. She was 5lbs 14 oz and 20 inchs long , cutest little thing you ever did see (right with carly of course, her cousin born 5 days after her). The doctor heard a murmer at 3 days old and had us go see a cardiologist, who did a bunch of test, come to find out she had more then the murmer. She has VSD (hole in the heart) and Tricuspid Atresia, which means she is missing her tricuspid valve. A normal persons oxygen runs in the high 90s . Hers was running high 80s. She has visiting nurses come to check her weight which i must say she is a little piggy she is already up to 9 lbs 3 oz (GO BELLA!) and they also check her oxygen level, 3 days a week. The oxygen as gradually dropped and now she is only in the mid 70's. We went to the cardiologist on Tuesday and he put her on oxygen. And they have decided that it was time for the first of 3 open heart surgeries. My purpose for this blog is to get 1 MILLION prayers for Annabella by Wednesday. So Please email this blog to everyone you know. I also will keep this updated daily to let you all know how WELL she is doing...