Monday, August 10, 2009

I got to hold her and out of ICU!!!

Well let's see, since the last time I posted a lot has happened. She is off all her drips except her lipids. She is still getting fed from a tube in her nose, but that should change later today or tomorrow. The chest tube in her side is coming out possibly tomorrow morning. Right now she is crying because daddy woke her up with his whiskers!! Her heartbeat is 160, respiratory rate is 52, blood pressure is 82/37, and her blood oxygen is 86. I'm rubbing her forehead and talking to her trying to settle her down and get her back to sleep. I finally got to hold her today. It was bitter-sweet because I couldn't help but think that her remaining chest tube was hurting her from me holding her. I can't wait until I can hold her with nothing connected. "Twinkle, twinkle little star" is definitely her favorite song. I'm singing it to her right now and she is settling down. I love my little girl sooo much! Parker and I are truly blessed to have her and to be able to love on her. I love my little princess!

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